
Worldwide delivery


Teder respects the privacy of the users of its website and ensures that any personal details they provide are treated confidentially. We will use your details to process your orders as quickly and as easily as possible.

Teder will not sell your personal details to third parties and will only make them available to third parties that are involved in the execution of the orders you place with us. We will make no other use of your personal details without your express permission.

Teder uses the personal details it gathers to:
• Fulfil orders: when you place an order, we need your name, email address, delivery address, telephone number and payment details in order to fulfil your order and keep you informed of its progress.
• Make shopping with Teder as pleasant as possible: with your permission we will store your personal details and information relating to your order and the use of our service. This allows us to personalise our website.
• Keep you informed: we will use your email address to inform you about the development of the website and any special offers and promotions. If you no longer wish to receive such emails, you can unsubscribe.

When you place an order with Teder, we will store your details, if so desired, on a secure server. We never sell personal details. Teder will not sell your personal details to third parties and will only make them available to third parties that are involved in the execution of your order. Our employees and any commissioned third parties are required to respect the confidentiality of your details.

Cookies are small bits of information that your browser stores on your computer. Teder uses cookies to recognise you when you visit our website. Cookies help us to gather information about the use of our services, as this allows us to improve our services and change them according to our visitors’ preferences. Our cookies provide information relating to personal identification. Please change your browser settings if you do not want to receive any cookies when visiting our site.

Should you have any questions about Teder’s Privacy Policy, please contact us via Should our Privacy Policy need to be changed, you will find the most recent information on this page.